Nau Mai Haere Mai

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Thinking of sharing nudes?

It’s important to remember that it’s hard to control pictures once they are sent, and while you might feel ok sharing a nude with a particular person now you may end up changing your mind in the future.

Nudes are often shared as a joke or in anger when relationships or friendships end, so it’s important to stop and think before you share a nude with anyone even if you feel you can trust them.

Before you hit send

Check in with yourself by asking the following questions:

“Am I feeling any pressure to send this picture?”

“Could I regret sending the picture at a later date?”

If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then we suggest not sending the picture. Trust your gut.

Identifiable features

It’s really easy to be recognised, even if you aren’t showing your face. Things like freckles, moles, tattoos, piercings, and even your bedroom in the background are all things that people might be able to associate with you.