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How to deal with a break up

Breakups aren’t always easy. When a relationship ends, it can feel like we have lost a part of us. It can be just as tough whether someone has broken up with us, or we have made the decision to break up, as a lot of emotions and feelings can be involved.

It’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to feel after a break up, and there is no time limit on when you should be over your ex.

What to do DURING a break up

Being broken up with can really suck. A break up may be the last thing you were expecting, and it can be hard to process what your partner is telling you and how you’re feeling at the same time.

Some things to think about when managing a breakup:

Remember! There is nothing wrong with you. The relationship just wasn’t the right fit. Many people go through break ups and there’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

What to do AFTER a break up

Whether you have been broken up with, or have broken things off with someone, it’s important to put yourself first now.

Click through the flip cards below for advice on how to look after YOU:

Remember! While a break up can be hard, it can also be an opportunity to learn more about yourself and what you really want in future relationships.

What NOT to do

Break ups can make us feel all kinds of things. While feelings of anger and frustration may bubble to the surface, it’s super important that we don’t act on these feelings and do things that can hurt the other person, and ourselves in the long run.

Make sure that you don’t do the following:

  • Don’t share their private information - if you have photos of the other person, passwords to their social media accounts, or any other personal information about them and their life, it’s really important you don’t share this with anyone. This would be a breach of their privacy, and could result in you doing something illegal. If possible, delete it so it’s no longer in your possession.

  • Don’t contact their family and friends - it’s not fair to involve people in your break up that you both haven’t agreed to.

  • Don’t contact them if they’ve asked you not to - it’s important that you respect the other person’s boundaries and give them space.
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