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Intersex or variations in sex characteristics (VSC) are terms used when someone’s sex characteristics are more diverse than the typical definitions of male and female. In other words, people might be born with genitals that aren’t clearly a penis or a vulva, or they may be born with chromosomes that don't fit into XX or XY variations.
Did you know? Some variations in sex characteristics are as common as having red hair. Being intersex is totally normal and beautiful!
Everybody goes through a journey to finding self-love. Click the link below for some specific advice for living with joy and happiness in your body as an intersex person. Remember, intersex bodies are beautiful.
Being intersex is something to be celebrated!
One of the most harmful misconceptions is that being intersex is something to be ‘fixed.’
Intersex people (or parents of intersex babies) are still pressured to undergo non-lifesaving medical interventions (e.g. surgeries or hormone therapy) for cosmetic purposes, or to make their bodies fit a binary understanding of sex and gender. This sometimes occurs soon after birth, meaning many intersex people have not had the opportunity to consent to medical intervention.
Also, there is a great deal of silence and secrecy surrounding intersex identities, or having a variation in sex characteristics.
It’s important to know that a person’s body is their own and nobody else’s.
You have the right to discover what being intersex means for you right now. You shouldn't have to wait until you’re an adult to be given information about it.
All bodies have their own special kinks and qualities, and there is a lot of strength in accepting your body for what it is, and what makes it unique.
Know too, that you don’t have to journey this alone. There is a lot of support out there and you have the right to find out what you want to know about your body and your identity. It can help to talk to someone you trust like a friend or whānau member, school counsellor, or a rainbow youth support service like Rainbow Youth or InsideOUT.