Nau Mai Haere Mai

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Whether it’s asking to borrow something from a friend, deciding on what movie to watch with someone, or having sex, consent is super important in our kaiao (lives). We can never assume that people are okay with certain things happening, and so the way to be sure is to ask for their consent.

What is consent?

Consent is a mutual agreement to do something, that is made together with another person. Both people in a relationship need to feel they can communicate their wants and limits and freely agree to doing things without feeling like they have to, or are being made to.

The REAL sex talk- Consent

The responsibility of consent never falls on just one person. While we need to make sure we are giving our own consent, we also need to feel whakamanawa (confident) that we have received consent from the other person.

Consent is all about getting clear “ ae - yes” messages.

What are clear "yes" messages?
When do you need consent?
How do I give and get consent?
When can people not give their consent?
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