
Consulting with your whole-school community is crucial to developing a quality whole-school approach to Health education and the RSE component. Research* informing Te Puāwaitanga: Beyond B&B highlighted that parents/whānau support school-based RSE for their children and felt it was a ‘combination deal’. However, many parents/whānau wanted to know more about what knowledge, understandings and skills their children were learning so they could support the school. The following video and resources highlight how engaging ākonga to gather the voices of all community members can work towards developing an inclusive and responsive health education programme of learning.

Legal requirements and consultation. Pages 3-6 of the following document provides key information on consultation.

Health education consultation – Tūturu is an excellent resource for planning and supporting your consultation process. Watch the two videos below and then look at  ( before you start planning. 

Consultation involves all members of the school community. In this video, Lynfield College shows how getting ākonga involved in collecting the ideas of all stakeholders opens up opportunities to build a strong RSE programme.

In this video, two academics/teachers chat and share some experiences and tips for teaching and learning and the importance of consultation.

Ideas to support your consultation process

As part of the B& B research, we asked young people what they thought should be included in the RSE material for the Te Puāwaitanga: Beyond the Birds and Bees App/Youth Space. The research team collated the following words from young people into tables for anyone interested in exploring what young people want from RSE. The themes generated in these tables reflected much of the current research. If you find these helpful, please let us know. 

Recent research into the consultation process by Dr Tracy Clelland will be available soon. Her research with parents/whānau offers insight into how school communities can all work together to provide a more world-centred socio-critical approach to RSE.  

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