Educators / Kaiako

Welcome to the educator page of Te Puāwaitanga: Beyond the Birds and Bees. Our aim is to keep it simple and share ideas of good practice. As we release Te Puāwaitanga, we will continue to add more material either on the website, Instagram, Facebook or through the TikTok channel. Below you will find links to lesson plans and ideas from a range of quality sources.

You will also find some Te Puāwaitanga lesson ideas with Powerpoints created with kaiako and rangatahi. These connect to the material on Te Puāwaitanga: Beyond the Birds and Bees. Please, feel free to adapt these to meet the needs of your learners.

We hope educators will adapt and create new lesson ideas and share them with us so we can share them across the motu. Contact us with any lesson plans you want to share, or if there are any topics you would like covered in future.

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